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When Degas makes prints, “plate and man are flattened together by his printing press, its mechanism having swallowed him completely"

Thursday, October 24th, 2024

12:00PM ET

Presented by Print Council of America.

This lecture will shed new light on Degas’s heterogeneous printmaking practice
and his fascination with its materials, techniques, and tools. These pictures offer important insight into the artist’s persistent efforts to expand the conventional limits of pictorial illusionism, his frequent intertwining of motif and making, and the central but little-understood role of technical and material experimentation in his larger corpus.

Michelle Foa, Associate Professor, Art History, Tulane University; co-curator, Edgar Degas: Multi-Media Artist in the Age of Impressionism, Clark Art Institute; author (forthcoming, Yale University Press), Edgar Degas and the Matter of Art

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