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Looking Back on the New York Graphic Workshop, 1964-1970

Wednesday, October 13th, 2021

12:00PM ET

Organized in association with IFPDA, this symposia presented by the Association of Print Scholars explores the past, present, and future of printmaking studio practices, specifically examining how the medium has evolved conceptually, culturally, and as a dialogic artistic practice.

This panel will consider the work and legacy of the New York Graphic Workshop, a printmaking collective operative from 1964 to 1970. Together, printmakers Luis Camnitzer (b.1937), José Guillermo Castillo (1938-1999), and Liliana Porter (b. 1941) devoted themselves to producing conceptual pieces indebted to printmaking and its labor-intensive processes. Even as they were committed to traditional methods, the NYGW often bent lithography, etching, and engraving away from their conventions, toward new questions, problems, and ideas. As Camnitzer stated in 1966: “We are printmakers conditioned but not destroyed by our techniques.”

Nora Rosengarten, Ph.d. candidate, Harvard University

Luis Camnitzer, Artist-Printmaker

Ursula Davila-Villa, Independent curator and art historian

Liliana Porter, Artist-Printmaker

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